Hello and welcome
As you may have noticed,I took a short hiatus in January in hopes of having more "me" time for creating more art.
Yes,I did get a few projects done,one I will share with you today
This piece was made from a place within me,after a very unnerving month.
More on this at the bottom of post
Some may remember that I participated
last year in a project through @Twitrartexhibit.
What is Twitter Art Exhibit?
#TwitterArtExhibit utilizes social media and public engagement to
generate income for charities and nonprofit organizations. In the past,
#TwitterArtExhibit has generated funds for a library suffering from deep
funding cuts to purchase much-needed children’s books, for an abused
women’s shelter seeking to improve the lives of the families they serve,
and for an arts organization mentoring underprivileged young adults in
preparation for careers in the visual arts.
• Artists worldwide donate postcard-sized, handmade original artwork to the #TAE17.
• TwitterArtExhibit organizes a local, physical showcasing of the art.
• The public is invited to buy the art at an affordable, flat price.
• 100% of proceeds go to the charity.
This years
charity art sale is April 1,2017 and is in Stratford upon Avon and the charity we created for is
Molly Olly's Wishes.
Molly Olly's Wishes supports children with terminal illness's and their families.
If you are in this area, maybe you would visit- Tickets are FREE!
Please follow the links I have highlighted to learn more.
The art is always postcard size which enables the venue and charity to display so many pieces at once;this year 1300 artists registered from 62 countries! Mighty impressive!
My postcard went out on this Monday past and I have sent wishes along for a very successful art show and sale!
Above I shared you above this artwork was created from a personal space within me.
What I am referring to is what is happening in our country right now. The new team in the White House recently passed an executive order banning Muslims and immigrants entering the United States from 7 "blacklisted" countries.
You see,my daughter in law Neda,is from one of those countries listed, Iran.
And no,Neda isn't Muslim,as a matter of fact,she is of no religion because of growing up in a place where freedom of religion was not allowed.
Neda is good,sweet,kind,a loving wife to my son and a woman who believes in treating your neighbor as you want to be treated.
Even though Neda has come to America through every single legal,vetted avenue the US required, and has her Green Card while she awaits her time,to be eligible to become a US citizen, she has now had rights stripped away from her.
The Rights the White House said,would not affect Green Card holders.
My son and dil Neda, have contacted lawyers and the ACLU and sit patiently waiting for the next shoe to drop. I tell you this because,what you hear from the mouths of the new regime is not always truth,this I KNOW first hand. My heart aches for my kids as they have to live through this horrific,unjust time. And my heart,as a Mom absolutely breaks for Neda's family,in Iran,
especially her Mother.
You see,Neda,is no longer allowed to travel outside the US without having her Green Card and credentials stripped from her PERMANENTLY. This means,she cannot go home to visit her Mother. Neda speaks with her Mother over SKYPE and my son tells me with angst in his voice how heart wrenching it is to watch and listen. Her Mother is scared for her daughter, she is fearful that someone is always watching and listening in on Neda's gripes about this unfairness,fearful someone from our government,the US,will come and take her away.
I have to tell you,this sickens me to death,and I wish I could speak Farsi to talk with Neda's Mom and tell her how sorry we are and how much we love Neda and we will not let anything happen to her. My heart is breaking...
I pray, and I hope. I ask of you to join me in prayer, no matter what your faith,or your stance in politics,not just for mine and Neda's families,but for all who are affected by this.
If you would like to do more,I am including the website link my son shared with me. NIAC ACTION
They send updates and also provide numbers and places to call to help try and reverse this injustice.
Thank you to all of you who visit and comment, I always appreciate your love and support!
Peace Be With You