Friday, December 4, 2015

Guest Designer for StencilGirl Talk

Hello everyone~Today I am sharing my post from
 StencilGirl Products Blog~StencilGirl Talk
For those of you who are not familiar,StencilGirl Stencils are all designed by other artists
What a cool way to add admired artists artwork, into your own art!!
Please stop by the their blog and say hello as well!
My name is Jackie P Neal,and I am honored as well as Way excited to be a guest designer here on StencilGirl Talk!
For those of you who know me,you know how I love to up-cycle,recycle,reuse and give new life to"the less than desirable".
When I was asked to be a guest,of course I had to go check my stash aka hoard! Instead of something from my there,I remembered that I had wanted to re-do my art tote!
and so it began...
As you can see, my art traveling bag,needed help straight  from the beginning,when you get something at a good price, you don't always get it in your favorite colors!
Straightaway,cover the whole bag in white gesso.
Next,my place of attack was the front bottom section.
Using Maria McGuire's-Doodle It Bigger Stencil,I masked off two of my favorite squares.
  I stenciled these squares and then reversed the order and stenciled again.
  The white space that was left,I used a portion of 
Laurie Mika's-Pilgrimage To India Stencil
This stencil has four unique borders,which I cut into four pieces to make it easier for my stenciling needs.
As you can see here,the tote went through many colors before the end results
Next came the top portion. 
The Elephant Parade Stencil and Mask 
by Nathalie Kalbach was stenciled
 in the center of the bag.
  Then the stencil part was added using DecoArt Dazzling Metallics paints to make it stand out.
 Next I faintly stenciled,the Elephant Parade around the center elephant,as though parading across the bag.
Pilgrimage To India was used again,this time the paisley border,on both sides. 
On the bottom what I did was to use one portion of the Pilgrimage To India stencil,the border with the stars on it,on its edge...
Then flipped the stencil upside down...
and made the stencil appear to be connected into another design.
 For the sides,I thought I would be clever and insert this mat to give shape to the pocket for stenciling-note to oneself,stenciling works better without the mat. ")
Here I used the Elephant Parade mask and the paisley border stencil. What I did was to stencil some paisleys under the mask and then change the position and stencil again with this border all the way down the inside of the elephant mask.

   My finished Upcycled Art Supply tote-
  Have Art Supplies- Will Travel

Thank you so much StencilGirl, for inviting me and thank you readers for joining me here today! Hope to see you again soon! 
Jackie ")

Jackie P Neal is a self taught mixed media artist who lives in upstate New York,on their farmette,with her husband and Golden Retriever. 
Jackie gleans her inspiration from the nature that surrounds her as well as artists across the internet and around the world. Her favorites are texture and colors and she loves to try every and any technique.

You can find Jackie on her blog:
As well as on FaceBook
and feel free to join Jackie in her Google+ Community
Creating and Sharing Mixed Media Art   ~

All paints used on this project are  #DecoArt Products
DecoArt Fluid Acrylic Media Line
Primary Magenta
 Veridian Green Hue
Cobalt Teal Hue
Cobalt Turquoise Hue
Phthalo Turquoise
Dioxazine Purple 
Medium Grey Value 3
Ultramarine Blue
Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide
Quinacridone Burnt Orange 
Quinacridone Violet
Quinacridone Magenta 
 DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
Oyster Pearl
Champagne Gold
Peacock Pearl
Worn Penny 
Shimmering Silver

 Thank you all so much for waiting patiently-(smile) for the full post.  
I am delighted with the new look of my tote and thrilled to have been able to share it with you! Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments,likes,pluses,shares and support- you make my heart happy!!



Renee said...

How to take a tote from ordinary to amazing! This turned out with a Moroccan Leather kind of look, I love it. BTW, what a cute photo of you. Thanks for sharing the technique.

Karenliz Henderson said...

My Art Sister your bag is gorgeous! I love what you did with it. It looks like a brand new bag!!! It's beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Totally incredible Jackie - wow. What a transformation. Love it all but especially love how Nathalie's elephant makes such a great statement. SUPER FINE!!! What a fun photo of you too. j.

Teresa M. Arsenault said...

Wow. This is way cool! I never thought of painting on something like this. I have some ugly art bags that could use such a treatment. great stencils. You must be thrilled to get to use them.

Valerie-Jael said...

This is FAB*U*LOUS, love it, what a wonderful idea. Have fun using it!

Hugs, Valerie

Julie Lee said...

Jackie this is absolutely stunning! What a queen of stencilling you are! I love the Indian style of your tote. If I saw this on sale, I would just have to have it! The colours, the designs and the skill with which you have created this have me completely in awe. xx

Theresa Plas said...

Oh My!!!! Super recycle project! Way to go Jackie!

Astrid Maclean said...

Oh wow Jackie, what an amazing piece of recycling you did here! Stunning use of those stencils, the whole project looks simply amazing, and big congrats on your guest spot! This project illustrates only too well, how you deserve that!!!

Nancy TeWinkel said...

Oh dear Jackie! How do I love this, let me count the way! Positively gorgeous!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

WOW - what a knockout recycle job, Jackie - totally amazing. I could just EAT it! xo

froebelsternchen said...

This trolley is absolutely amazing Jackie! Great!
Happy weekend!

aimarii said...

It´s hard to believe that in question bag is one and the same. You have done magic with your know-how.

artbyjune said...

Beautiful! I would never have thought of doing this! It turned out so creative and colourful.

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

What a cool post, Jackie!
I wish you all the BEST, sister artist!

Bev said...

Omg how stunning cause you know now everywhere you go they will be asking where on earth you bought such a beautiful art bag ,just beautiful...I did a little elephant card in similar colours....

Anonymous said...

Jackie I am in complete awe!!!!
Firstly for the actual up-cycling, then for the sheer brilliance when working with the stencils and to achieve such a beautiful result. Incredibly impressive.
The use of the stencil with the elephant stencil is incredibly clever and beautifully executed and such gorgeous use of colour.
Cool, arty and beautiful!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Wow, you've really transformed that tote in a super creative way, Jackie! Love the gorgeous colours and the elephant! You'll be one stylish lady travelling with this!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Oh my gosh do you ROCK!!! The most amazing transformation and alteration ever!!! I would have never thought to do something like this! My jaw hit the floor when I saw it was a tote! Fabulous use of the stencils and paint! Happy craft rolling to you!

denthe said...

Oh Jackie I loooove this!! Such a transformation, and the colours are so yummy! And you have a very creative and clever way to use stencils. I don't have much experience with stencils, but I always have trouble getting clear lines. Please tell me: how do you apply the paint? With sponges? I love how well those first stencils with the fine lines came out. Fabulous work!

Rose Tresures said...

Wow wee, Jackie, I sure love the transformation you made in that art bag!!!! It is so beautiful. I love all the gorgeous colors you chose plus how you used the stencils. All of which is very creative. Awesome!!!!! hugs, Patty

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Love how you made that tote go from blah to hurrah 😀 congrats on being a guest designer too! Those stencils are awesome.

Pamellia said...

Wow, this is incredible Jackie!! I can't believe you decorated an entire suitcase, pure genius!! It looks like an authentic piece that you would find in a street market while on vacation in some far away land!! Absolutely incredible my friend! hugs :)

Seth said...

This is amazing Jackie. You have created a one-of-a-kind, moveable work of art. Love all the layering.

Anonymous said...

It is so beautiful!!! I love it like this. Great! You did it!!!

Kay Wallace said...

You are certainly a braver woman than I, that is for sure! That said, I love your "art in motion" here. I want to bring my tote and come play at your house!!! Mwah!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Just brilliant , love the colours and patterns. Angela x

Anonymous said...

all I can say is WOW! it turned out way cool!

MONICA said...

Its like you poured awesomesauce all over the tote...TOTALLY LOVE LOVE LOVE...what an inspiration you are sweets

froebelsternchen said...

Jackie I forgot to answer your question about my source for quotes.
Whenever I are looking for a quote I search the main subject..
like .... house ... quotes .... and "images" google
then I get so many different quotes and pictures with quotes about the subject ..
and if there is nothing for me, I go to pinterest and search there for

I have some quotation books as well - but just in german - that comes handy sometimes as well. But the most I find online.
Happy weekend!!!!


Words and Pictures said...

So I'm only a week late getting around to seeing the wonders you created for your fabulous Guest Spot for StencilGirl... oops, sorry!!

But wow, it was worth the wait... an amazing use of the stencils to create a unique piece of wearable (or carryable at least) art. Fantastic depth of colours and beautiful finishing... Amazing!
Alison xx

Barbara Rankin said...

Oh wow, Jackie, your tote looks absolutely amazing. What a beautiful transformation. I am so happy for you. A huge congrats on the guest spot, you did a fantastic job with this project. Hugs, Barbara

PiaRom said...

OMG what an amazing projekt!! Absolutely stunning and those gorgeous colors! I am stunned :)

~*~Patty S said...

WOWEE Jackie!!!
You continue to inspire and delight with your boundless creativity.
Another brilliant project!