Hey everyone hope you all have had a beautiful May!!
We've had lots of sunshine and flowers popping out,birds returning,grass growing like crazy! Ahhh! Welcome back Spring!!
Today I want to share a piece I made,inspired by all the above,using my DecoArt products and Gecko Galz digital stamp
No step out photos,but here is the run down of what I did...
1.Using recycled packaging cardboard,cover completely with Gesso
2.Paint layer of Pyrrole Red
3.While still damp add drops of Primary Yellow spread out over Pyrrole Red
4.After thoroughly dry,coat with generous layer of Weathered Wood
5.While sticky to the touch,paint layer of Yellow Oxide
6.Add small amount of Glazing to Cobalt Turquoise Hue and a few drops of water,brush this over previous layer of Yellow Oxide
7.With babywipe,wipe back some of Cobalt Turquoise Hue-till desired look is achieved.
8.Let dry slightly,then add another generous layer of Weathered Wood
9.When thoroughly dry,add 2 heavy coats of Triple Thick Gloss
Second part:
1. Print out Gecko Galz background stamp
2.Fussy cut around left side of stamp
3.Crumple up paper and ink high spots with a dark brown color
3a.Smooth back out (I ironed mine)
Next I used my DecoArt acrylics as watercolors by adding various amounts water to each color
4.Paint in poppy with Pyrrole Red
5.Paint poppy center with Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide
6.Paint leaves and stems with Green Gold and light details of Viridian Green Hue
7.Make a wash with Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide and water and cover background of stamp
8.Adhere painted piece to background substrate
9.Cover with recycle clear plastic from recycled packaging
10.Use matching tape folded around edges to secure
I hope I have inspired you to create something beautiful today!
DecoArt Products used:
Media Fluid Acrylics in
Pyrrole Red,Primary Yellow,Yellow Oxide,Cobalt Turquoise Hue,Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide,Green Gold,Viridian Green Hue
Media Gesso White
Americana Glazing Medium
Americana Weathered Wood
Triple Thick Gloss Glaze
Gecko Galz Digital Stamp-
BG27 From the Beautiful Backgrounds Collection
Inspiration for my piece...
And don't forget to pick up your free Digi Stamp from Gecko Galz today!!
Let me know or share with me if you have used any of the freebies- I'd like to see what you've created!
Thanks so much for your visit-it always makes my heart smile!

Jackie ")