In between posts,much is happening around here,but mainly HEAT- and more heat! and no rain since the last I shared.
We are in a severe drought,as is much of the country and it is very scary.
Last night,Rile and I watched a special on The Colorado River. I know there are always other sides to the story,but this show really made me think about our own water consumption and how we have already taken small steps to cut back,but should try and do more.
It seems that the Colorado River is going dry-why? because other states are tapping into this natural resource;and using a lot of it! Yes,there is need for water for agriculture,and yes,for drinking and bathing,but come on people...for watering your lawns so you can have green?? Hey folks,you live in the desert,you chose to live in the desert-it is dry there-it has always been dry there.Why on earth would you plant grass and other plants that are not natural to the surroundings?? The watering of the lawns,well, makes the hair on neck curl!
And don't even get me started on how much water Vegas uses in it's fountains and water shows!
Mother Earth has only so much to give,and when it's gone,that's all folks!
I think during this time we could all be a bit reflective and use a little less water-I mean a little goes a long way-right?
that's all I have to say on this and
I thank you for indulging me if you are still here...
now on to my post
When last we met,we had finally arrived in Washington
Len showing us the way! heehee
Was Chum ever so happy to be out of that motorhome and running around!
Len and Riley telling Neda that if she wants a puppy, yes, she must pick up the poop as well! LOL
Neda set up our bedroom so beautifully-with fountain, fresh flowers and mood lighting!
Len and Neda had to work some days,so Rile and I went out searching for treasures from garage sales,yes,we did score!
Found this box for Len and Neda-can't wait to see what they do with it!
These flowers and Bamboo trees were in a yard in a residential neighborhood-soooo beautiful!
later,we found this picnic park and swimming lake and were impressed at how they have life jackets to share for the children
our first attempt at a selfie
Road trip with the kids-out on the town to Seattle
knuckleheads! |
Cool wall art
Forcing Len to do a selfie with Mom! teehee
check out the restroom sign- made me lol!
but there absolutely was some of the biggest lobster and Salmon I have ever seen!! YUM!
I was loving this Harvester- what a great idea!
lots of entertainment as well
these dates were outrageously delish!!!
and this is where we ate...
especially after reading the reviews! haahaaa
Hubby bought me some posies~so naturally I posied with them teeheehee ")
and I absolutely love this photo!
My Len loves his Neda- he is such a doting husband! 
This is the first Starbuck's ever...
and no we did not wait in the lines....
which we did not go in as again,the lines were Ginormous!!
hang on, lots of photos....
This part of the exhibit is called
"The Persian Ceiling"
Glorious Art Glass!
Outside the art glass was planted with flowers and ferns in the gardens-What a spectacular display!
and here is where my camera battery died!
Fortunately for you-huh?!!!
Next up,one of our last mornings here,we went out for a yummy breakfast~had to show this off~it was the absolute best!!
and will you look at the size of that pecker!!! I love that there is art work everywhere in this state~it made me feel at home!
Off to another public market, this one on the Sound
grooving to the beat!
fabulous sprouts! yummy, fresh and healthy!
and even Chum was to receive some yummy treats!
I so wanted to gather rocks to bring home, but Riley threatened to leave me behind in place of the rocks! heeheee
How's that for a fishing charter?! Makes me want to go-heeehee
In between these shared photos we did tons more. Like from teaching Len the easy way to boil off tomato skins, why? because my son makes his own tomato paste and sauce,using his freshly grown herbs and spices! Totally delicious,BTW!
One of our favorite things to do was hang out at home and play Uno and Phase 10 and laugh and laugh!
Neda and I played art together while Len and Riley worked on computers and electronics and discussed gardening. And we ate tons of fresh fruit that was absolutely the sweetest and most delicious!
This is the canvas I created for Len and Neda's home.
Neda loves warm colors,and the patterns I used reminded me of her Persian background.
I am proud to say that both Len&Neda love it and have it hanging in their home.
We really had such a delightful visit and I miss Len and Neda so much already!
Chum waiting to be loaded in to the motorhome
The kids were at work when we left(which was better,I did all my crying the night before)
Rile jumping over the beam,and off we go
next time,Homeward bound...
Thanks so much for joining and hanging in with me on this visit