This is long over due,but today I am sharing some special gifts I have received in the past few months
I won these fabulous stencils from GioGioCraft
Gio has her own line of stencils and I was lucky enough to win her giveaway and choose my prize!
If you are a regular at Gio's blog or YouTube ,you will know she is famously talented for creating and designing Midori travel journals,which I am now the proud owner of one,as well as designing her own stencils,creating mini books,sharing tutorials and her Fantastic play with color!!Her fun way with colors is what drew me to her and kept me coming back!
Then just before Christmas another package arrived,okay three different ones arrived.
Over at Just Add Water Silly Jenn had a giveaway,a plentiful giveaway!
Part of the giveaway was Jenn's recently reviewed, fabulously cool work book ~ Tangle Starts by Alice Hendon of the Creator's Leaf

just look at this glorious color!!! my only issue with this book of journal pages is they are so pretty I hate to add to them! heeheehee
Jenn graciously added the set of four pens shown in the photos to this giveaway.
Jenn had also recently shared how she used a Hahnemuehle postcard tin as a DIY palette.
So,also included in the giveaway were these Tangle Tile Tins from Hahnemuehle.
Thank you so much Hahnemuehle for your generosity~I am having so much fun with these!
Next up is my beautiful assemblage of beads,vintage and newer sent from my dear friend and Tribe Sister,Linda Edkins Wyatt.
I have already started to use these lovelies on some of my recent projects~here
bags and bags and even tins and bins-oh my! teehee
It was difficult to photograph through the bags,so here are some of the beads sorted and rehoused.
all my ooohhing and aaahhing over her recently made tag collection must have got to her...and she sent me off this gorgeous tag she created! I LOVE it Jill!
Lynda and I share the same love ofhoarding recycling materials. But Lynda is so much more resourceful than I!
Do you see those bits of aqua/teal in there? Those are scraps of Gwen's handmade Papers that Lynda just could not part with. So,(don't ask me how)but she was able to weave all of this goodness together into some of the most scrumptious yarn I have ever seen!
I won these fabulous stencils from GioGioCraft
Gio has her own line of stencils and I was lucky enough to win her giveaway and choose my prize!
this is one of the pages I started using Gio's stencils
My package from Gio,all the way from Italy!(top on my bucket/dream list) contained not only these stencils,but this handmade accessory bag with her own beautiful artwork on!swoon... 
and she also gifted me this gorgeous Midori journal!If you are a regular at Gio's blog or YouTube ,you will know she is famously talented for creating and designing Midori travel journals,which I am now the proud owner of one,as well as designing her own stencils,creating mini books,sharing tutorials and her Fantastic play with color!!Her fun way with colors is what drew me to her and kept me coming back!
Grazie Bella Gio!
Then just before Christmas another package arrived,okay three different ones arrived.
Over at Just Add Water Silly Jenn had a giveaway,a plentiful giveaway!
Part of the giveaway was Jenn's recently reviewed, fabulously cool work book ~ Tangle Starts by Alice Hendon of the Creator's Leaf
Alice generously sent me this book as part of Jenn's giveaway! Thank you Alice!
just look at this glorious color!!! my only issue with this book of journal pages is they are so pretty I hate to add to them! heeheehee
Jenn graciously added the set of four pens shown in the photos to this giveaway.
Jenn had also recently shared how she used a Hahnemuehle postcard tin as a DIY palette.
So,also included in the giveaway were these Tangle Tile Tins from Hahnemuehle.
here is a little something I have started working on with my tiles.
Hahnemuehle was so generous and sent me four tins of tiles to play with.These are great for traveling with and tangling Zen time!Thank you so much Hahnemuehle for your generosity~I am having so much fun with these!
I have already started to use these lovelies on some of my recent projects~here
It was difficult to photograph through the bags,so here are some of the beads sorted and rehoused.
Thank you so much Linda!
I just love these beauties!!
are you feeling the love yet?
This beautiful tag was sent from my Tribe Sister Jill McDowell.all my ooohhing and aaahhing over her recently made tag collection must have got to her...and she sent me off this gorgeous tag she created! I LOVE it Jill!
Seriously,I did drool a bit on my laptop.
Jill's creativity just amazes me,thank you friend!
And finally for today,I share with you this gorgeous wrapping of homemade yarn by another Tribe Sister,Lynda Shoup.Lynda and I share the same love of
Do you see those bits of aqua/teal in there? Those are scraps of Gwen's handmade Papers that Lynda just could not part with. So,(don't ask me how)but she was able to weave all of this goodness together into some of the most scrumptious yarn I have ever seen!
I just don't know if I
can part with this beauty! It's softness is just divine!!
Thank you so much Lynda~
such a special gift!
So much love and sharing in one post!
I am happy to call these generous and talented artists,
my friends as well.
The art community is really so giving~beyond sharing common interests we also our time,ideas,materials,inspiration,well everything! I am blessed and proud to be part of this wonderful art world,as you see,it is about the world,as in Gio's generous giveaway,all the way from Italy! Where else could you meet and connect with so many like minded creatives but here on the artists interweb!
Thank you my internet friends who are part of this community~I am blessed to have you in my life!
A bit more love coming in another post this week- stay tuned!
Peace & Love
Jackie ")