Wednesday, February 19, 2014

            My backyard...
    When the sun finally started to come up this morning- WOW! What colours! SO I ran and got my camera,flew out the door,no coat,no shoes and the winds have to shoot fast because the scene changes so quickly...
 Unfortunately in all my haste, I neglected to adjust certain features on the camera-hence the shake from the wind "(    I decided to post anyhow, because the colours were just too brilliant not to share! hmm-might have to print this to use in a journal piece-thinking...

     The next picture is a wonderful pet portrait of Chum,created by my Artist Friend Denise Phillips of  BC, Canada.
 Denise is a true animal friend and lover and has a home filled with  rescued birds and a sweet furbaby,named Oliver Howard. Denise's artistry goes beyond pet portraits, you can check her out here; her art is always so colorful and fun!
    Information on how you also can have Denise digitally design a wonderful portrait of your favorite furbaby or furbabies can be found on the widget on the right- hand side of her blog.

                                              Here's... Chumley! 
      Making his wish for another peanut butter treat and a game of king of the mountain(snowbank)! 

   thanks for checking in  ")


Denise Phillips said...

Oh Jackie! You Honour Me!!! Thank you so very much for the Shout Out!!! Much appreciated!! Chum was a pleasure to work with ( wink ), and I'd love to work with him anytime! Oliver Howard send sloppy kisses to both of you :) Thank you and All Success for your New Blog! Looks Wonderful!!! Cheers!!!

Darlene K Campbell said...

I think Chumley's wish is that you never dress him in that outfit again. HIlarious!
The photo is beautiful. Definately one of those simply amazing nature pieces to be grateful for.

Unknown said...

I love the pic you shot Jackie, beautiful! Your blog is looking great girl, have a fun journey!
Hugs Marilou xoxo

Jackie PN said...

Thank you gals for stopping by and all your lovely comments on my new blog!
And thanks so much for the nice thoughts on my picture-even with camera shake! haha