Friday, November 14, 2014


A short post to share with you my newest piece almost complete- just waiting for the final layers to dry so I may put on a coat of sealer...                         

  My beginning substrate- I did this back in September-
 using up pieces of scraps as well as some special stamps from my very dear friend in Oz- Bev L.- thank you sweets!")

DecoArt~Muted Gold mixed with
     Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide

    along with glazing liquid for my base layer
             Lots of paint and mark making and no photos!  
           The muse was in her zone and she just could not stop
              ~note to one's self~  learn how to videotape!
  These next two are close ups of different areas of my painting- 

 I am quite pleased with my painting and I think my confidence is growing to create on a larger canvas next time!

~glad you stopped by~
Jackie ")


froebelsternchen said...

That turned out wonderful Jackie- I love those colors and textures in it-
a perfect abstract design!
Happy weekend Jackie!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

It looks stunning Jackie! It's hard to believe all that collage is underneath!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, bright and clean colors. Interesting chapes and lines. Great painting!

Anonymous said...


Teresa M. Arsenault said...

This is stunning.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Fantastic Jackie, the collage beneath is a great idea to add some different texture to the finish.
Have a happy crafty weekend, Angela x

Consie @ said...

Love, love, love!!!

Unknown said...

Jackie it is very inspirational, I just loved it, from the collage stage till the final paint layers, simple fabulous!

Janet Ghio said...

I LOVE your painting!! Wonderful colors!

Joseph Cuccurullo said...

See, see I told you great job it is beautiful. Love the texture and you did it your way. Colors pop out. I knew you could turn out a painting that matches or is as good or better then what is posted. I can see you put a lot of work into this painting and it paid off. What you have done in the past has given you the background to turn out this beautiful painting. Again I told you so. Love it great job friend.

Unknown said...

It's wonderful Jackie, I love it!

Karenliz Henderson said...

Gorgeous. I love this. The colors are amazing.

~*~Patty S said...

Amazing transformation on your very cool canvas Jackie.
I was wondering how big it is...
Happy Friday!

Astrid Maclean said...

Fabulous super cool make Jackie, it looks fantastic!

Judy Shea said...

Yahoooo... GREAT JOB... loving this canvas.. those colors and textures.. oh my.

Unknown said...

Beautiful colors Jackie and it looks like you enjoyed yourself!
Hugs Marilou

Jo Murray said...

Gotta love those layers!

SCarol said...

Wow, what awesome layers. Rich and deep and interesting and lovely.

Nancy TeWinkel said...

Nice work Jackie! Really love the outcome.

Bev said...

Oh I'm in your post how exciting to get a mention lol well what can't you do that's what I want to know you are an abstract queen Jackson Pollock eat your heart out lol love it full of energy and the colours just sing....

Annette said...

way to go my dear, playing with your muse. love the colors. oxox

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Love the richness of this - looks delicious!

Julie Lee said...

Wonderful colours and textures. I love the depth you've achieved on this! Oh, yes, please, do try a bigger canvas: this technique would look great on a large scale. xxx

denthe said...

oh, all these yummy colours and textures... Love the close-up pictures!

Unknown said...

Another beautiful work of art Jackie.

Electra said...

PMG Jackie, this is amazing! A piece any collection would be thrilled to have!

Unknown said...

I love this Jackie! Incredible work!

Words and Pictures said...

Stunning paintwork over the collaged layers... it really is amazing. Lifts my heart looking at it - a wonderful piece of abstract art - bravo!
Alison xx

Marjie Kemper said...

Love how you've built this up, Jackie - beautiful!

Seth said...

One word: awesomely amazing. :-)

Kay Wallace said...

You are an artist, my fried, in every sense of the word! Don't doubt yourself for one second--ever! Love you!