Good Sunday morning to you!
A frosty beginning as Chum and I head to check on The Girls!
Oh how I wish you could hear them!
Squawking away-
"what did you bring us - snacks?", "Can we go out in the snow?" "When will winter be over?"
yup,I am sure that is what they were saying!I speak chicken!heehee

Look at the size of this one~
It's the biggest yet!
The package had a really sweet card with instructions on brewing my bag of tea,Neda made for me, and relaxing,while slipping on the cozy new slippers that were included~I love my kids~they are just wonderful! All three of them! and,yes, this tea is delicious!

Chum showing just how deep the snow is- and how much fun it is to play in it!
Cardinal and Hairy Woodpecker in for their morning meals.Happy that they can resume the feast!

Red Belly Woodpecker
Sending creative wishes and good juju to all of you!
Jackie ")
It has been awhile since I have written a post on life around here,the "farmette", so in between snow piles and received gifts...there will also be an update on ~The Girls!
Get ready, grab a cuppa because this post is photo heavy with lots of snow!
These photos are from a week ago~pre snow~but from this sky we knew something was coming and I was lucky enough to capture these glorious colors!
A frosty beginning as Chum and I head to check on The Girls!
Chum brings his ball everywhere- just in case Momma wants to throw it!
Kind of eery but beautiful look of the trees this morn... |
Squawking away-
"what did you bring us - snacks?", "Can we go out in the snow?" "When will winter be over?"
yup,I am sure that is what they were saying!I speak chicken!heehee
honestly they could care less about this slice of bread, the bagel pieces were worth fighting over though! |
Still laying 5-6 a day even with the cold!
The blue eggs come from Emily- my pretty brown girl ")
Look at the size of this one~
It's the biggest yet!
Okay Chickens are good~ can we play throw the ball now?! |
Meantime a few days with no snow and we cut and cleared this area on the bank, so when spring arrives, we'll have a beautiful view of the stone surrounding the pond.
From local residents, we have learned that the pond was dug over 65+years ago to gain the limestone from it-locals used to swim in it as kids. Me? yea, probably not!
This week was a week full of mail gifts!
First was a belated birthday gift from my son Len and beautiful daughter-in law Neda!
I had to show the packaging because they used"wallet tape" to wrap it! heehee This is actually duct tape, but I call it wallet tape as when Len was 12 years old, he made his first wallet using duct tape! Clever son-makes himself a new one new every year since!
The package had a really sweet card with instructions on brewing my bag of tea,Neda made for me, and relaxing,while slipping on the cozy new slippers that were included~I love my kids~they are just wonderful! All three of them! and,yes, this tea is delicious!
Also, on Monday came our snow storm- high winds, white outs, and over a foot of snow- as well as a snow day for me!
White out from my studio window
Yes, that faint black line above the center pane is the road!
as seen from my kitchen window...
Chum keeping cozy inside!-heehee-
yes, I opened the door and all that snow tumbled in-argh!
the hottub is still there, will just have to shovel my way over to it! heeehee
My next mail day was Wednesday with this most wonderful package- all the way from Belgium,Europe!!
I received a most wonderful and beautiful surprise from my very talented,dear friend, Ruth Levy of
Thank you Ruth for this gorgeous tag and atc which I will always cherish !
Also in the package were some gorgeous Gelli pulls and ephemera!
The package arrived safely~thank you again,my friend!
The snow had finally stopped...
Cardinal and Hairy Woodpecker in for their morning meals.Happy that they can resume the feast!
Red Belly Woodpecker
You can see the Limestone wall now from where we cleared it- well,when the snow melts! ") |
Friday I received this lovely postcard from my sweet,creative friend Shel in Arizona!
Thank you Shel for the beautiful mail art! hugs!
The snow has stopped for now, and daddy and Chum are out playing catch the snowball! |
Thank you so much for hanging in there,through my photo onslaught! and I do hope you enjoyed your visit! ")
Later this week , I'll have some new art to share as when I am not playing library clerk, I m holed up in my studio enjoying some classes I signed up for!
Sending creative wishes and good juju to all of you!
Jackie ")
Wow so very much snow. It is fun to get a glimpse of what the other side of the weather is like as I complain it is cold when it hits 69F here. The chickens are cute.. Bet they are anxious for winter to be over so they can get un cooped. Glad you liked the postcard :)
Oh beautiful sky photos!! The color is gorgeous!! And the photo of Chum with the ball--how I love that and then the final photo of him jumping up to play with the ball in the snow. And you know I always love to see photos of the girls!! You know I am a little afraid of chickens--hate to admit it--but when I went to visit my son and dil last summer they have a few chickens and there was one that always tried to chase me when I went to look at them!!
I can't believe how much snow you are surrounded by! I loved sneeking in to your life, it's totally different to mine so I guess that's why it looks so romantic to me, it beautiful there! Thanks for sharing! <3
Moni. ;)
Lovely photos! I once kept 5 bantams in my backyard... Great egg layers!
What a great post, Jackie - love your farmette photos! That sky - what a stunner, and you speak chicken SO well! :D
Jackie darling, I am so happy that it arrived safely :-) your snowy photos are gorgeous and those chicken and Chum wow, I would like to have such a great company, but I am a city rat, so the chicks are only visiting time. I saw sort of a birthday package there if I am not mistaken, was it yours? I still didn't wish Happy Birthday dear Friend ;-)
Great post, I much enjoyed seeing all your photos and getting a look at your corner of the world! Thanks! Hugs, Valerie
Great pictures. Love to lurk into other homes. You snow looks familar to ours if we're having a normal winter. Love your chicken and Woody Woodpecker :o) Happy belated Birthday, Jackie ♥
Love your photos, the snow looks good from Texas, just keep it their.
Going to be 78 today. Keep warm. really got hit...I LOVE all of your pictures...thank you for pulling me into your world...really cool to be there... :)
Beautiful Post thanks for sharing a little of your life on the FARMETTE! Sure looks cold!
Lovely post Jackie! So nice to take a glimpse into your life on the farmette. Those skies are amazing and the snow is just beautiful! Cute doggie and chickens! Stay warm and enjoy your gifts! xx
Wonderful snow photos Jackie ... thank you so much for sharing all this fabulous images with us.. your girls are so pretty and the dog is wonderful!
Happy belated Birthday to you!
What a winter wonderland, Jackie! Your photos are just amazing. We are due for 12-18" more over today and tomorrow. Russ is shoveling now, and will have to shovel later and again in the morning before work. This is just too much now. Sweet happy mail from Ruth! ;-)
I love winter, so your pictures made me very happy!
Chum's having a good old time. Not so much here. Are you getting this 2 footer heading our way? Stay safe. xox
Great photos Jackie...I feel like I've been to your place for a visit...but without the cold. Brrrrr.
Fantastic photos of life in the country - those skyscapes are just amazing! I love the pictures of the frolics in the snow, and lovely crafty surprises along the way. Happy Sunday!
Alison xx
Oh wow it's a winter wonderland and your Alice lol thanks for sharing Jackie I loved seeing the girls who are so big now ,I remember them as chicks and Chum is the star of course ...that chicken house would do me when I visit lol
I so enjoyed reading this post, Jackie. Those skies - well, their beauty just left me gasping - great pics! Chum is gorgeous. I loved that one of him frolicking in the snow with his dad! The girls are looking great and I'm glad to know they like their bagels! Your art room seemed so cosy, looking out on to that snowy world! It is just lovely to be allowed to peek into your beautiful world. Like Monica says, it's so different to mine. That's what makes it fascinating and fun! Yes, thank you , dear Jackie for sharing. xxx
Love seeing it all there girl friend, the girls and Chum and his ball. Charlie has one like that but red. I love watching them play with it. the snow is beautiful but I know gets old after a while. Can't wait to see what all you have created and hugs and hugs my dear. Loved it all.
You have really winter. So lot of snow snow shoveling too. I hope you like.
The pictures of winter sky are very impressive.
Your animals. Your dog and chicken girls are so nice. I like. Had you any time to throw the boll with Chum or went the whole time in the chicken house to talk chicken and to pick up eggs.
This was very lovely post ♥
Hello my dear friend Jackie! I didn't know that You have birthday, but now HAPPY BIRTHDAY to You!
Thank You for this wonderful and interesting post. It was very nice to see where You live and the sorrounding of Your home.
I love You chickens, they are so beautiful. My friend have some chickens, too, and I alwayis am moving to bigger bilding place to can have chickens, too, when I see them. But my husband doesn't want to move...and either me, because we have now so beautiful rocks and stones around our house.
Do You know what? Our dog has moved to You!! We have had just same kind and color dog as Your Chum! Unbelieveble!! I thought She moved to heaven but She moved to You. But it is heaven the hole place, specially to a dog :-)
Thank You very much for beautiful photos and these nice greetings.
Have a very interesting new week,
greetings from Finland.
You have much more snow as us, but we live Southern Finland, there are in the North very much snow this year. Uuna
Oh Jackie, what a beautiful place you live in, the snow makes it look enchanted, such an amazing back drop to everything else, (though it's clear it involves a lot of hard work too...)
We have had barely any snow this winter, I guess we are too close to the sea. Loved seeing all the photos and getting a little glimpse into your daily life. Now I look forward to see more photos when Spring arrives. Oh all your gifts were beautiful too!
So much to enjoy in your world dear Jackie.
Thank you for the romp in the snow and all of the glorious photos.
Your "girls" and their eggs are priceless including sweet Chum too of course!
Lovely gifts from friends too.
Thank you for sharing.
Chum has my heart carrying that blue ball around and then the photo of him under the blanket is so sweet. He is so wonderful. Your chickens are certainly pampered. Love their house. So much fun to see the snow (we have it too), the packages from friends (oops, bet you still haven't received mine) and I also want you to thank Riley for finally playing with Chum as Mama was too busy taking photos...shame on you Jackie.
SO much snow, and such beautiful photographs!
We've been pretty much deprived of it this year, and we've missed it. Well, some of us have missed it!
You have the prettiest chicken coop ever Jackie. You made me miss our little flock, especially with your Barred Rocks, they're so friendly (as chickens go). All we have at this point are four very tenacious roosters!
Thank you for sharing your photos and beautiful mail art!
Wow love where you live it looks amazing and your dog is beautiful. Must be so lovely to wake up every morning to the Little farmette and those red skys are brilliant I grew up in Africa and i thought their sunsets were amazing too. Dee x
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