By now you are all wondering- where do they find all of that energy?
I have learned that when you are in such creative energy with wonderful like minded souls, everything just comes so naturally. I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for this experience- it has totally enriched my life and filled me with such happiness!
I believe,given the chance,everyone should experience this or something similar. I'm just saying! ")
Today as promised I will share more photos of the art dolls and a few more Yupos.
so again, grab a cuppa-and on to photos and fun!
Pam with her art doll and close ups of details
The domino's three is significant as Pam has 3 children. And the photo of the children,2 girls and one boy same as Pam.
The cool legs were a score from the junk hunt- Sherie found for Pam!
I love the dollies curly hair from wires and beads-and look at her bow!
Next up,art dollies from Sherie.
Sherie was on a roll and was able to finish four art dolls to our one!NO stopping that girlie when she is in her creative zone!
Check out this sexy Garter Gal by Sherie!
She is absolutely delightful in her vintage undergarments.
gotta love that "Madonna"-esc bra!
FULL C Cups as her side shows!
I think she was my fav that weekend!
Love those real garter legs!! lol
here are two spool fairies made by Sherie- again...where does she find
that creative energy?!!
Did I mention we ate real well,and snacked even
better? heehee
can you say M&M's and Bit O Honey?
Loving that beachball she's holding!
and now on to Sherie's other beauty!
Gorgeous in all of her Glamour!!!
Gorgeous bejeweled headdress- perfect fit!
I love Sherie's wordage and how about that darlin stashed Chanel bottle?
(where did that come from?heehee)
The S on Sherie's doll is another junking score- I found it for her!
Always decisions on what's next?!
Another day out-we went to Crane's Fruit Farm for some pie,we already finished two French Apple ones I made and brought along! I told you we snacked well! heeee
Dancing machines!
Karenliz,our resident photographer,striking the pose!
Well, we ended up stopping at a garage sale, that had-NO LIE-all vintage Ashtrays!! Literally hundreds and hundreds and the like paraphernalia! It was quite odd I will say!
While Pammie scored some mini tobacco tins at the sale,
we also went on to score Blueberry pie and delicious vanilla gelato from Crane's Pie Pantry!!
I will tell you,I have never had a "bought" pie packed with as much fruit as this one!
I liked it as much as my own!! teehee

a little bit more art play the night before we leave...
Yupos by Pam
Our last morning,we head down to the beach
for some reflection...
and sand art!
Can you see the A R T Love?
Once back at the house we packed up our artists supplies then went outside for farewell photos
we said our goodbyes...
some photo bombed others!!! hahaaaa
and then we wished on our puff that it would not be so long till our next gathering
Thanks so much for coming along on our artful journey. I do hope you enjoyed it and could sense the kindred-ship and love that was shared.
I'll be back in a few days with more from Michigan and what was awaiting me on my return home!")