1.Coat entire outside with DecoArt Black Gesso
2.Mix modeling paste,in two parts,with Espresso and Burnt Orange paints
between colors and solid white modeling paste,cover box on all
sides,knifing paste through stencils and also random applications of modeling paste with
knife. Making sure to overlap and leave texture.
4. After paste has thoroughly dried(overnight) add Crackle Glaze to white modeling paste areas and let dry overnight
5. Apply a watered down version of English Red Oxide Antiquing cream with brush
6. Wipe off areas
7.Repeat steps 5 & 6 several times till desired look is achieved
8.Apply a coat of Muted Gold mixed with Glazing Medium to entire box,leaving color heavier in some areas
Next comes the "fun"part of layering color... after color... after color!
kid you not,the colors just kept loading on my brush and dry brushing
across the box...
color after color after color... heehee
9.Apply layer of Sea Breeze with Glazing medium over entire box,wiping on and off with baby wipe
10. Layer color by drybrushing over box and textures
11. Alternating colors and shades in various areas to give interest
12.Add Quinacridone Gold with Glazing Medium and wipe back
13. Continue to add more layers of color.
I would love to be able to tell you which color came when,however,I
was so engrossed in the process and paint was everywhere,that,well,I have no idea.
Have a look at my list of colors at the end of my post to see all that were used.
14. Toward the final layers of color,focusing on the edges,apply Quinacridone Magenta and Venetian Gold
I love the back~it looks like Raku pottery
Here I changed up the hardware,using pieces from my"Steampunk metal stash aka Hoard"
15. Coat hardware with Black Gesso
16.Drybrush Cobalt Teal Hue,Dioxazine Purple,Interference Purple & Interference Turquoise
17.When dry,secure hardware to box
18. Coat entire box first with Americana Sealer/Finish Spray
19.Apply Generous coat of Gloss Varnish
This part I forgot to mention earlier, while the Modeling Paste was still wet,I push one of my stamps in it...being new to this process,I freaked out at all the paste that was in my stamp and ran and washed it out for fear of ruining it!
I wish I had used it more first! heehee
(as you probably know,this process can be done without damage to your stamps!)
And now we have,my finished stash box,loaded with treasures!
I did spray the inside velvet with a variety of glimmery sprays to continue the flow of color |
Thanks for hanging in there with me and reading till the end!
Next up will be the challenges I am entering in and then finally the full DecoArt Paint & Product List.
Today I am linking up with these awesome challenges!
Please be sure to follow the links to their sites and leave some blog love!!
April Challenge~Trash to Treasure
Challenge~Anything Goes
Gypsy Fayer Challenge
April Adventure~Think Outside the Box
Challenge Number#23~Dimension
Thanks so very much for your visits and your comments!
You truly make my world a sunnier place!
Jackie ")
Product List:
DecoArt Paints & Mediums
Americana Acrylics~
Sea Breeze,Burnt Orange,Dioxazine Purple,Espresso,Desert Turquoise,Bluegrass Green
American Multi-Surface Satin~
Muted Gold (favorite color)
Dazzling Metallics Acrylics~
Venetian Gold
Emperors Gold
Splendid Gold
DecoArt Media Varnish~Gloss
DecoArt Media Gesso~Black
DecoArt Media Modeling Paste
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics~
Burnt Umber
Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Cobalt Turquoise Hue
Cobalt Teal Hue
Quinacridone Magenta
Quinacridone Gold
DecoArt Media Antiquing Cream~
Patina Green
English Red Oxide
DecoArt Media Interference~
Americana Acrylic Sealer/Finish~
Vintage Jewelry box and hardware
Stencils~The Crafters Workshop
Stamp~Katzelkraft Stamps