Thursday, October 23, 2014

2014 ~ Art Is You ~ round 2

                                 Are you ready for round two?

just a peek

  As promised, here are a few pieces that I created,the pics are only snippets as they are WIP
           This first grouping is from Seth's class - yummy color!




                                   Next some snippets from Jessica's class
Some pulls from a Gelli plate
I have to tell you, this is my first time using a Gelli plate-and yes I was scared!teehee Everyone uses them and here I am in a class with one staring me straight in the face!
I rather like the warm orange and gold one to the right!
            I hope to have this canvas finished soon to share with you-
                                   so don't touch that dial!
Art in Progress
                              More art below after a few more pics!
                                                      Saturday- Day 4 

                                   The famous Art Trunk Show!
This is where Artists come from all over and bring their wonderful creations-everything-
metal-working,canvas,stamps,clothing,dolls,just to name a few and everyone can shop till they drop! Unfortunately,I dropped before I had a full shop-

 I finally got to meet my former design team partner and fabulous artist - Sarah " WonderStrumpet" Trumpp!
Sarah's creation- I had to have her!Yes,she is a she!

Jen Crossley and Seth were laughing it up so I had to take several shots to get it just right! this is a nice one!
                              I also did a bit of shopping here with Jen!
    Love her and her art! She is also very witty,ok, down right silly and fun!        

 I took Saturday off from classes so I could spend an afternoon with my hub!  While I shopped, Riley went to a deli nearby to get us lunch- delish! But after that I hit the wall and never made it back out of the room until later that evening...ohhh the things I could have bought!  "(

resting after a hard lunch! heehee

My friend Kay Wallace and I Saturday evening- I found out- she also took Saturday for a much needed rest!
                            Sunday - Day 5          
                                    Morning motivator with Rice,
              Art Is You coordinators and partners in crime- 
                      Ellen Legare and Sallianne McClelland
                   Lunchbreak with friends, Kay Wallace and Judy Shea!
                                             Love these gals!
My apron I created for Art Is You
Some treasures gathered from Art Is You- charms,cards,a stamp I won ~all Fun!

Sunday Day 5 Class
Gypsies,Tramps & Thieves 
with Andrea Matus DeMeng 
Andrea's art and style has always intrigued me, and so I was delighted to find her teaching at Art Is You.
Above are two of her many pieces she brought to share and for us to gain inspiration from- I love the depth and beauty she achieves with her designs.
A no nonsense class, we had demos and instruction and then music to create by- when the music stopped- time to move on to the next step!
Great playlist-btw!
Thank you Andrea for a fabulous class- I only wish I had  week to learn more!

The layers & colors Andrea uses-yum-just makes my head swoon!
     Here is my beginning collage  and some pieces for audition

After layers of paint and a few beginning pieces adhered

 This would be my final canvas- although I think there is more to be done with it- I had some thoughts on my ride home that I think might work well- stay tuned!

And now to my final piece of created art to share. This is the pin that I made in Kecia's class.
I really love how it turned out and have been wearing it proudly! 
Still might add a bit in the empty circle- or maybe not! We'll see!


Thanks so much for joining me again! I look forward to your thoughts! 
Jackie ")


Unknown said...

I LOVE all your creations Jackie. I took a class with Andrea too - she is an amazing teacher as are Seth and Kecia - both of whom I've had the joyous experience of learning from. Isn't AIY the best?

Anonymous said...

What an art posting!!! Wonderful and very interesting. You have had amaising days. Thank You for posting and Your photos :-)

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Oh you had so much fun, Jackie - LOVE your canvas and the pin. You must have been on overdrive to get all that done - classes, artwork and shopping. A well-rounded woman! :D

Karla B said...

What a magical post with so many amazing things to see!

Teresa M. Arsenault said...

What a lot of fun you had and you came with with some great creations and treasures. TFS

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Wow, so much to look at! Gorgeous Gelli print pulls!

Bastelmami-Sandra said...

Hi Jackie!
Thank you so much for sharing with me!
Your creations are amazing!
Have a great day!
Hugs Sandra

~*~Patty S said...

WOWEE so much fun and creativity...
I can see where you needed a break.
Events like this are so intense in a good way but it is easy to go on overload.
Your teacher selections all speak to me as do your art creations Jackie.
Thanks for sharing
and are you now hooked on gelli printing!

Astrid Maclean said...

Wow, amazing photos, amazing project and an amazing post.... I am trying very hard not to be jealous of you American girls to be able to attend an event like this! Oh how I wish something like this would exist in the UK, you guys are light years ahead of us.....

Unknown said...

Oh my BFF, that was one creative heaven, and the passion is just crying out of your photos, your art works are great, every and each one of them!!!

froebelsternchen said...

Oh gosh ...what amazing pieces did you come up with ...a grandious post at all... I enjoyed seeing all the artists and teachers ! Thank you so much for sharing this week with us here!
Happy weekend ( early )

Jo Murray said...

An absolute cornucopia of delights. Well done you. I know what you mean about needing a rest. Art Is You is full on!

Julie Lee said...

Wow! This is a stunning post! I love those collages you created so much and that pin - fabulous! You look as if you were having so much fun too, Jackie - lovely, bright smile! I've never been anywhere near a gelli plate. I'd love to have a go with one; but I know I'd be really scared at first ha ha! Thank you so much for sharing all this great art work! xxx

Bev said...

Omg such an explosion of creativity how did you absorbe it all ,sensory the pieces you are working on all so different and vibrant....your gypsy woman is stunning love all her adornments...

Nancy TeWinkel said...

Looks like a fabulous time! Beautiful creations!

Janet Ghio said...

I love seeing all your works im progress and the finished ones. how fabulous to take a class from Andrea-I really like her art--did you read the article about her in Somerset Studios magazine? Glad you took an afternoon off--you can just wear yourself completely out--but I know when I have been to shows and classes like this it is really hard to "turn it off" and relax!!

Consie @ said...

Wow! It looks like you learned so many different things! Thanks for sharing all the pics!

Seth said...

An explosion of art an creativity in this post. And that is exactly what an art retreat should lead to. Great to see all your creations and nice to revisit the pages from iWitness here as well.

Marjie Kemper said...

You really made the most of your time at Art Is You! Love all the shots and your creations are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Wow, what an informative and inspirational post Jackie. Love seeing all of the pic's and your creations are FABulous! Looks like you had a blast. xx

Darlene K Campbell said...

Amazing experience! It must have been crazy fun and inspiring to work with those artists...Seth, Kecia, Andrea! Wow, your results are brilliant and I imagine you are reeling with concepts of new art to produce. Look forward to talking to you in person about this! Too happy for you my friend. Cheers-Darlene

Claudia N. said...

Wow, what a bundle of artful inspiration and information! You obviously had a truly exciting and wonderful week! I so envy you the experience of getting to work with all these talented folk!

Can't wait to see your finished canvas and your post also reminded me to make more use of my Gelli Plate! ;)

Thank you so much for the encouraging comment on my blog too! It really means a lot, you know?

Claudia x

Kay Wallace said...

Looking through all your photos brought Art-Is-You flooding back to me this morning, Jackie! I love it so very much. I also loved meeting online friends in person, reuniting with old friends and making new ones. It was super to be challenge artfully by such wonderful instructors and mentors. Love that picture of you and me--just stole it! Mwah!

MONICA said...

I so totally want to go to Art is year...I wanna go...your work is amazing lady...I love all of it...and you got to meet some of my fave artists...I am so jealous...
I am seriously going to shoot for this next year.
Miss you moocho...

Unknown said...

WOW Jackie, looks like you had some amazing fun. I absolutely,adore your artwork,you truly inspire me.

Jen Crossley said...

So lovely meeting you I hope to see you this year as well as Im coming back to maybe Teach xx
ps Love the photo of Seth and I

Laura Spano said...

Beautiful work Jackie- I'm glad I got to live Art-is-You through your blog- as I was totally incapacitated most of the time. I too too Seth's I-Witness class- back at the Ink Pad December 2013. (haven't blogged it yet of course, lol) ALL of your classes looked great- if I had been well, I would have been right there with you. You made such wonderful beautiful pieces- thank you for sharing your photos.