Friday, September 18, 2015

Backyard Water Fountain Upcycle

Happy Friday!
 Today I am sharing a backyard project from this summer,but you need a bit of background story heavy post-grab a cuppa!

 As I have mentioned before my husband Riley is a saver,ya I know,I'm just as bad!teehee
 Anyway awhile ago we found two bird feeder pedestals on the side of the road,surely we would use these for something! Not the same day,but shortly thereafter,we also found 3 bowling balls at the curb!Of course,these also came home-I had ideas!!
Now to the background story
 One of my very favorite blog reads and a great source of inspiration,comes from my dear friend,Patty Szymkowicz's,"Magpie's Nest" .Patty's gorgeous photos with her fountain,drew me right in and I said,I want a backyard fountain too!I emailed Patty and she and Mr. Magpie were kind enough to send some photos as well as tips on how they put their fountain together. Thank you sweet friend! We did not have the same materials, but we went right to work looking through our stash to see what we could use.
This is our creation
We gathered a huge old crock,picked up at auction,small fountain from garage sale,bird feeder pedestal,pottery with a crack in the bottom(too pretty to discard)and a bowling ball. 
The ball and pedestal I painted with DecoArt paints,and then I sealed both with 3 layers of DecoArt Media Gloss Varnish. 
These painted pieces have been here all summer long in all sorts of weather;not to mention the continuous water flow,and have stood up to it all-rather brilliantly I might add! 
now some close-ups...

and for those of you collectors wondering about those beautiful rocks...they came from our beloved Lake Ontario shores...including the heart shaped one! a few more photos of these for you...

 these are the true colors and show brilliantly when the water is on them!
 I have a special love for the fossil rocks as well! Incredible tiny stars on this one!They look like sand-dollars!
In process herb Zen garden
I won't go into details here on the assemblage of the fountain as I have much more to show you. However, If you would like to know more-please feel free to email me and I will be happy to share! 

 Now,I have a few photos of our garden bounty and upcycled veggie stand at work!
 Another of my very favorite bloggers and artist friend, Alison Bomber aka Butterfly,of "Words and Pictures", asked me to share photos of the produce when it was up on the stand-here you are,Alison, thank you for asking dear friend! 

I need more signs!

 Riley had a successful crop of Indian Corn this year,so I have been busy bundling!

gorgeous colors!!

These green beans,fresh picked yesterday,YUM! Only one container for the stand- the rest went into the freezer-for us!
and the pumpkins and gourds...
 can you see the spots of orange? This will be another post as they are still waiting to be picked...

I don't know about you,but I am about done for today!!

Thanks so much for your visit and your wonderful comments-they really do mean the world to me!
 Peace and creative wishes,
Jackie ")

Products used:
DecoArt Media Acrylics
DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
DecoArt Americana Multi Surface Satin Acrylics
DecoArtMedia Gloss Varnish

Lumiere by Jaquard~Halo Pink Gold


Karenliz Henderson said...

Jackie! What an amazing fountain. I love it. I don't know how you think of these things. I just love all the veggies on your stand. YUM!

Janet Ghio said...

Well--I don't even know where to start--the paint on the bowling ball is gorgeous--who would have ever thought you could turn a bowling ball into a fountain! And those vegetables and the indian corn--beautiful!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, it all looks wonderful to me. Love your upstyled fountain, and those little rocks with the fossils in, well, just fantastic! Your fruit and veggies look great. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

Felicia said...

OH MY GOSH JACKIE!!! You are flipping brilliant!! I love, love, love your creativity! What vision out of "lost things!" Can you PLEEEZ rub off on me????? I have problems envisioning things and my husband (a wood worker) sees things better than I do, which is sad being that I love art so much!!! You and your hubby are just an amazing pair! From the brilliant fountain to that AWESOME veggie stand! I love it all! I would love to see your whole yard (hint, hint) because your great little "fountain area" is so, so cute! Well done my friend! Blessings

Words and Pictures said...

Wow! You've created the most amazing water sculpture for your garden - what a creative pair you are (scavenging and hoarding and repurposing also in the skills list!). And the market cart looks just as splendid as I'd hoped... what an array of scrumptious looking produce. Love the corn - wish we could get something other than boring old yellow cobs here in the UK! Fabulous post which I've looked at with a huge smile plastered across my face... thank you.
Alison xx

aimarii said...

How much ideas you have! And always they are so imaginative. You are so creative person who´s ideas will not ever stop.
Any way you have had so active Friday. Really fantastic. All of your pictures seem so nice.
I have listen the whole day raining without doing anything special.
Have a nice weekend.

Mónica Zúñiga said...

You have been very creative my friend! I love how you are embellishing your home, nothings is more rewarding! Beautiful markets! Hugs! ✨😊💖😘

froebelsternchen said...

What a wonderful fountain.. my ... I am thrilled about the idea and how amazing this little zen-garden looks with it!
Your stand is a feast for the eyes and this veggies all make me happy.. I would love to eat your fresh veggies!!!

Fantastic post Jackie ! Thank you for sharing all this!!!
Have a happy weekend!

Bev said...

You both make a great team love your fountain and the little heart shaped rock sets it off would love to see some red on that its great....and lots of seeing the stand again too ...

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Jackie! You are just brilliant. A hand made fountain painted with Deco Art paint. Who else woukd have thought of that ... Brilliant.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jackie, this is a brilliant post. The fountain is gorgeous. I have an old bowling ball in my loft, might have to find a new use for it Lol! Your home-grown veggies are fantastic, you must have a very large freezer to keep it all. It's so kind of you to share all this with us.
Have a great week and happy crafting, if you get the chance! Angela x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Wow, that is such a cool project! And done entirely with found objects! Serendipity or what? Love all those colours in your corn - nature is the best artist!

denthe said...

I LOVE fountains! I love the sound of water, it's so relaxing and peaceful. You made something wonderful out of all those discarded things, you really are genius with that! Love the colours of the bowling ball, it reminds me of the earth. Gorgeous work, and so nice that you make a team with your husband while doing this! I have never seen Indian corn, I think I would buy it for the colours alone ;-)

~*~Patty S said...

Oh my dear sweet Jackie!
to think I almost missed this because of our vacation.
Where to begin...the finish on the bowling ball is incredible as is your entire magical fountain in that precious Zen garden = OH MY!
You and Riley are something else!!!
JJJ and I like rescuing things too ;-)...but you two creative geniuses really inspire.
Beautiful rocks (especially WET) and a he♥rt rock too = SO special and fitting.
Thank you also for the shout out Missy.
I cannot wait to show Mr Magpie your fountain.
So in addition to being oh so creative you two also have green thumbs!
Such a fine variety of produce...
the corn is really blazing with color.
Wishing your comment page showed the post photos...
I must go back for a third lookie look :-)

sarascloset said...

I missed this and other posts due to being off my feet after surgery this summer, but I'm happy it's all still here for me to see! I love seeing the fruits of your labor, both from the garden and from your's and Riley's hard work,creativity and imagination with the fountain. What a wonderful useful work of art for your flower bed! I love that you repurposed what otherwise might ended up at a landfill. I've been know to do a few curbside pick ups myself!

Your produce is just amazing! So colorful and flawless! We had a bumper crop of bugs this year! Thinking about letting it rest next summer. Have a wonderful day! Hugs!

Sarah said...

This is so neat! I only wish I could actually see it in action. I bet it's even more beautiful when it's moving :)

Sarah | Indoor Water Feature Manufacture